Color Scheme Assignment

My gemsona is a Blue Diamond because well my name is Diamond and my favorite color is blue. On the chart below, these were the colors I was thinking about but I found better colors

These were the possible colors of my gemsona

Blue Diamond

Dark Blue Hair

Light Skinned Blue

Deep Blue Eyes

Glossy Blue Lips

Hex #1E0080 Hex #4169E1 Hex #0000CD Hex #1E0AFF
RGB: (30, 0, 128) RGB: (65, 105, 225) RGB: (0, 0, 205) RGB: (30, 10, 260)
HSL: (254%, 100%, 25%) HSL: (225%, 73%, 57%) HSL: (240%, 100%, 40%) HSL: (245%, 100%, 52%)

My gemsona below
